Week 7

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ALL interaction, connection and Loooooove is in HERE

Most recent posting is at the bottom. 

Scroll down this page to follow in order of posting.


October 25, 2015

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Reservations requested by Nov 2

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Password:: mysticsister2016

SSI #10 {What Would It Look Like?} 
FB Posting HERE


Pull out your list for the Desires you created in Week 3 for 
SSI #4 {The Laws & Desires}

Revisit your Essence Power Word list that you created in Week 1 for 
{SSI #1} I AM Essence Power Words

Go down your list of desires and begin putting some feeling & emotion around them. 

Questions to ask::

  • What would it look like? 
  •  How would it feel? 

Be sure to listen to the Audio and take note of the examples I provide on how to delve deeper with these ?s. 

Another Feeling words list

Please post your findings and how this SSI assisted you in deeping your desires in our FB group!!! 

If you have ANY questions you are seeking insight on please share.
I am happy to be of service and assist you this week with any questions, concerns and obstacles you may be moving through. 

p.s. if you desire to register for Life Manifesto you can bundle with my New Mystic Sister ecourse or purchase it ala cart. 

Tribe Price $200
$40 per month x 5 payments 
$50 per month x 4 payments
$66.66 per month x 3 payments 
$100 per month x 2 payments 

Learn about Life Manifesto HERE. 
Contact me to make pay option arrangements



Click her Cute face for the Video 




{Full Moon Today}

Facebook Posting HERE

Tina Kirkham provided up with her Mystic Wisdom video yesterday about the current moon rhythm so I invite you to watch ASAP. 

As I have shared before, I love to do ritual on the New and Full Moon cycles. This moon is a powerful one to let go of some of the internal gomboo you may have picked up or been carrying around for many moons prior. 

Also a wonderful time for forgiveness, sacred self love and creation.

I am a burner so I LOVE to create fire, burn and transcend my writings. 

  • SSW {3 Pillars Of Forgiveness||RADICAL Forgiveness} is at Week 4 as well and provides powerful forgiveness wisdom. 

Here are some ideas from Qoya 
  • What old hurts still remain? 
  • What stories from our past continue to drain our power?
  • Take a moment from this busy time to pause. Make space for self-care. Be present with what comes up today. The inner masculine and feminine are reorganizing themselves. 
  • Adjust relationships and finances accordingly. 
  • Discern what you really want and what can work better. 
  • Allow for something greater than you to create reformation. Through accepting change, necessary resources naturally flow according to a Divine Order. 
  • Surrender attachment, and honor the natural timeline of healing. 
  • Give yourself a massage. Notice how it feels to receive your own tender touch. 
  • Circle through the body and delight in every sense. 
  • Free dance to call your power back into your being, honoring every ancestor and relation who got you this far.

This journey has been filled with ways to create a powerful, nourishing moon rituals. 

Wishing you much peace and celebration today! 


Tribe!! what a perfect way to end the EIT journey!! 

I Love these FREE 21 day meditation and encourage each of you to join in and enjoy. 

Guided meditations are one of my favorite ways because your mind is focused on doing what the guide has asked you to do hence, less of the monkey mind you may have experienced if you have tried to meditate with music or even no music. 

Here are some of my personally used ideas:: 
▪️Use headphones which helps to block out any outside noises. 
▪️Do this 1st thing in the morning while the house is still & you are waking up with your mind still clear from sleep and unoccupied from the day. I find that it helps me launch into my day with way more ease. 
▪️Light an incense to stimulate and awaken your senses. If you use candles use extra triple caution. I choose not to burn candles for safety. 
▪️Do in the dark. Use eye covers. I do this anytime I do my soul work. The dark keeps me in a private portal to connect and avoid distractions. 

Love Lauri 


SSI#11 - {I AM Infinite!}

Love Bugs!!!
Here is your final SSI! 

It is a creative project that can take on so many delicious spins and I am so excited to see what you do with it. 

Feel Free to Save and Print!!!
I carry one around in my wallet and have for YEARS and it seems to work!  

Student Samples

<<<To the Left is My Essence Of Gaia with my I AM Statement. 
>>>To the Right is my fun Pastel Chalk art in the making. 

Please be sure to post yours on the FB group and inspire each other!