Week 6

To access out PRIVATE Facebook Group click the Logo.

ALL interaction, connection and Loooooove is in HERE

Most recent posting is at the bottom. 

Scroll down this page to follow in order of posting.

✅✅Weekly Soul Work Checklist can be accessed under the files tab in this group HERE


October 18, 2015

You can click the Flower to play it in your browser
Copy and Paste this link in to your Browser

Dial In Info for Playback
  • Playback Number:(712) 775-7031 
    Reference#:   9
  • Passcode:  6 
  • AccessCode:  402-088



Registration for the 2016 MMT is Officially Closed!! 
If you missed this opportunity, no worries...
 I have a NEW SOULicious program for all my Mystic Sisters I am rolling out  soon!!! 

I will share some of the details on our Tribe Call 10.25.2015

The Link for the details is HERE

PASSWORD is:: Mystic2016
Facebook Posting HERE
SSA #8 {Your Spiritual Awakening}

I invite you to post 3-5 of these questions and your answers inside the fb group. 
Let's share and explore our perspectives. 

There is no right. There is no wrong. 
There is only what is truth for you. 

  • What are my 5 core values? To expand on this:: Your core values are the value space you operate from, the most important traits you hold yourself in. A good way to know what your core value are is to look at the traits in others you trigger you. For me, people who lie is a trigger and so being truthful always is an unwavering core value of mine. 
  • What does Soulful mean? What does it look like in others. How does/would that look like for you?
  • What is a Soul?
  • What is Art? How you express it? Why do you not express it? 
  • What is God? Describe how god "looks/feels" like for you? 
  • What is the Purpose of the Human Experience? Why do you believe you were born?
  • What happens when we Die?
  • What is Heaven? What is Hell? 
  • What do you find pure Joy In doing? Where is that Joy place for you?  
  • What is Nature? How do feel when in Nature? What do you do in Nature?
  • What do you know For Sure
  • What is an unwavering belief in something that is absolute truth for you? 
  • Where do you show yourself pure compassionate unconditional love?
  • What does your child-self say to you?
  • What is intuition? Do you have it? How do you know the difference between Intuition and the voices in your head? 
  • What does fearless mean? 
  • If your life was how you wish to envision it, what would it look like?

Thanks again for playing and enjoy soul school.

{harmonious intention::} 
Facebook Posting HERE 

I absolutely love harmony. the sound of the word alone soothes me. 
it is actually what I wake up each day telling myself. One of 1st words that pops in my head. Today I AM Harmony. 

it is the motto, mantra and intention for what i have desired to create in my home, with my lover, my children, my pets and for myself. harmony. 

harmonious intention feels like power to me. when i am not feeling IN harmony i am not feeling intentional. 

I feel out of alignment with everything i desire in my life and my business......and it doesn't feel good. 

i see harmony as flow. steady flow. movement. a gentle dance with life.

for me balance is a myth. 

i see intention as being steadfast. i see myself being a badass trailblazer with the courage to go and do what sometimes feels impossible and too bold. 

this need for balance balance balance has created some terrible illusions for women who see what they think other woman achieving...but not them. "what is wrong with me?!" i hear too often.

this leads to poor self esteem, depression, oppression and so forth.

being "in balance" is near impossible and why would we want to be fully balanced anyways? it does not feel like living or learning to me.

when we are balanced I visualize me on a tight rope. still. scared. not moving forward. holding my breath so i, goddess forbid, do not fall, waiver or lose footing.

for me this feels like i am stifled, not growing, experiencing, moving forward.

i am stagnant. just balanced and still. 

i will choose the dance with harmonious intention before i ever choose the tight rope act of balance. 

i do like harmonic balance; ebbing, swaying with the rhythm of balance. intention set on my course, the path is there. i get to follow the best way for me. some days, the best way i can today which does not always look or feel harmonic.  but that day it is the best i can do.

so take some pressure off your sweet shoulders and keep joining me in some sweet harmonious intention. 

i am here to support you.

Coming 9.21.2015
{Purpose & Service and Mother Teresa}
Facebook Posting HERE  

For your SSW today I share my thoughts on Purpose and a favorite story I like to share of Mother Teresa AND another way to think about your day J.O.B.  


{The Mundane Goddess}

Sit back and Enjoy this 8 minutes and 42 seconds short film. 

There are some really AMAZING messages for each of us in here. 

  • What will you be doing to take the power back, to be your own super powers, infuse the mundane with some special sauce called life, passion and essence?! 


Discuss In the Facebook Group!!! 


Love Lauri 


SSI #9 {Sacred Mantras & Essence Power Statements} 

Facebook Posting HERE 

Example of my personal Essence Power Statement/Personal Prayer

Om Janaha  = I express my uniqueness into the world

List Of Sanskrit Mantras

Aham Prema = I am love.
Shanti Hum = I am peace.
Ananda Hum = I am Bliss.                
Ravaye HumI am the light of radiance.
 Prasada Hum = I am Divine Grace
Om Janaha = I express my uniqueness into the world
Shanti Vira = I radiate divine blessings.
Purnamidam = I feel fulfilled.
Aham Brahmasmi = I am the wholeness of all creation. 
Seva Hum = I am service.
Karuna Hum = I am compassion.
Vedohum = I am pure knowledge.
Om Mitraya = I am kind and friendly to all.
Kleem Upahasa = I attract joyful laughter.
Shreem Namah = I honor the abundance of life.
Rabhasa Hum = I am pure delight.

I would love for you to share inside the Private FB Group. I have no doubt that there are going to be many amazing ones created by you and am very excited to see what is created. 

the Divine in me honors the Divine in you



click HERE
Password:: mysticsister2016
