Week 2

  • Speaker: Katie Jo Welch
  • SSI #3 – Decide and The Unfolding
  • SSW - ✳✳IMPORTANT Truth Telling Wisdom Section!!!✳✳ Ego, Fear, Anger & Self Sabotage.
  • Regardless of where you are in the journey, particularly if you have not been keeping up or done anything, please STOP and listen to this 24 minute audio. I share some essential wisdom in this audio to keep/get you back on track.
  • You will not have another SSI or SSW this week.
  • Mystic Wisdom with Candice Mallicoat
  • Mystic Wisdom with Tina Kirkham

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ALL interaction, connection and Loooooove is in HERE

✅✅Weekly Soul Work Checklist can be accessed under the files tab in this group HERE

Most recent posting is at the bottom. 

Scroll down this page to follow in order of posting.



September 20.2015

You can click the Flower Above to play it in your browser
OR Copy and Paste this link in to your Browser
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  • Dial In Info for Playback
  • Playback Number:(712) 775-7031 
    Reference#:   5
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Week 2 Call Opening Poem
This woman has been kind, gentle, and has much love,
All of this has been given with the blessing of the Great Spirit above,

But Great Spirit gave her something else and she didn't know it...
The Great Spirit gave her the blessing of being a warrior woman as now her light is lit!

This warrior woman has come fully alive today,
She is no longer anyone's slave or prey,

She is taking back her life today, And those who know who she truly is, can stay.

No longer will she live the lives of others,
She will give back the blames and responsibilities of others where they belong,
For she also has the bear and wolf inside her, which is now so very powerful and uniquely strong.

The warrior woman now knows what road she must follow,
For others it will be to hard to swallow.

Her life was taken from her unknowingly many years ago,
And this warrior woman is taking back her life before the next winds blow.

Oh Sister Moon you give me the strength as a warrior woman to conquer what's on my path,
high above and way beneath, and the much needed strength to take on the wrath.

This warrior woman is fully awakened and is taking a stand,
taking the problems by the horns with my hand.

I will conquer all that is there,
all and who comes as they dare.

Warrior woman has fully awoken,
and many will see that they were mistaken in robbing her of her life.

They as a thief,
Warrior woman will conquer and have no grief!

This warrior woman will protect her people,
and those who need her.

If anyone hurts them, look out!
They will hear a GGGGGGRRRRRRRRR,
As they run and shout!

This warrior woman is taking back her life, taking back the respect that was taken from her throughout the years ever so slow.
This warrior woman is removing pain and hurt from within the heart caused by the knife, from all those who are both family and foe.

I am claiming what's mine, and my dignity,
From those who live in this society of vanity.

I am claiming back in full my heritage.
And as a warrior woman, I am going to clean up many years of carnage.

For now standing in front of you, you see this warrior woman... you see me.
Someone special has taught me to be free,

From this day forward for me no more slavery...
Gentleness, kindness, and love is part of me, and so is my dignity.

This is NOT WEAKNESS, as others believe.
But this strength is within me and within you.

I will listen to the spirits and grow,
I will travel in the whispering winds as they blow.

All the work I now do will be for Our People and all nations,
I will protect and guide the future generations.

Now it is time for me to travel on my new path,
As a warrior woman conquering all wrath.

If you ever see and want to meet me,
Please come, and I will also teach and share with you how to be free.

Poem by Lady J-Ann

Special Offer For Tribe Only

This Is An In-Person Experience
Regular Price $99
Tribe Price only $79
{Until 9/27}
space is limited so claim your spot with a minimum. non refundable $40 deposit! 
Due in FULL by 10/9. 
PM on FB me to make a pay arrangement.
Or Just Pay In Full Below. 
Use this button for the Tribe $79 Price
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balance $39 due by 10/9

SSI #3 {Decide and The Unfolding}
Facebook Posting HERE

Please listen to the Recording for the full details of the SSA. 
Grab your journal, don’t even bother putting it away because it really gets to be a part of your daily wardrobe now.
We do a lot of writing, exploring, unfolding here on out.

So refer back to your list of FAVORITE, most empowering Essence Power Words for SSI#1 and begin to ask yourself the questions I have provided.

I recommend you Choose those that challenge and make you uncomfortable the most since that is where the unfolding happens.

Going there will foster the growth you are here for.

Choose a handful, at least 5 or feel free to do all 20.
Some may overlap the others. Feel free to switch them up a bit to expand and stretch yourself. 

Be open to revisiting this in the future to continue your Soul Work. As you shift the answers and thoughts of these questions will also shift. 

In order to Embody this Word what will I GET to do to move into that?

1. What is it I am committed to starting?
2. What is it I am committed to finishing?
3. Who is it I am excited about being?
4. Who is it in me I am excited about letting go?
5. Where is it I will spend my time doing what I love to do?
6. Where is it I will spend less of my time doing what I do not love doing?
7. Who will I reach out to and connect with?
8. Who will I surrender and let go of?
9. What is it in my life I feel really good about?
10. What is it I get to forgive myself for?
11. What abundance am I going to bring forth? (Emotional, Spiritual, Financial, Physical)
12. What excess am I going to release to invite in more space, freedom and ease to my life?
13. How will I shine my light out in to the world?
14. How will I stop hiding my light from the world?
15. How will I begin today strengthening my relationship with my Higher Power?
16. What excuses will I no longer use to stay small, stuck and stagnant?
17. What is it my soul longs to express, do, share with others?
18. What habits are no longer serving my soul and emulating the truth of who I really am?
19. How will I care for, nourish and honor my body beginning now?
20. How will I no longer treat myself?

TRIBE is the space where you are here to learn transparency, trust in other women, authenticity, the art of receiving help/support/light from others…..all the true meaning of Tribe.

So part of this assignment is doing the work but also {{{sharing the work}}} in here so we can hold that space for you as you RISE into being your SHE.

Your Souls Highest Expression.

Pick 5 Questions to share in whatever manner you are inspired to. Share how this work felt, what it brought up, revealed, supported, scared or empowered YOU.

Be open to the possibility of the things you desire to come in to your life and infuse it with successFULLness. 


details for my next level immersion; 

coming soon





Facebook Posting HERE

Hello Sisters!! 

How are you doing on your Soul Work?
Tomorrow I will be posting our next step of Soul Work and will share a bit about 
Ego, Fear, Anger & Self Sabotage. 
You will learn a lot from it. 

I appreciate the sharing that has been happening. 
When you share you inspire others to share and allow courage to come to the surface and I deeply appreciate getting to know you more from a sacred space. 
I wanted to share a favorite word of mine, Metanoia. I so enjoy experiencing it and witnessing it!



{SSW::Ego, Fear, Anger & Self Sabotage. }
Facebook Posting HERE

IMPORTANT Truth Telling Wisdom Section!!!

Regardless of where you are in the journey, particularly if you have not been keeping up or done anything, please STOP and listen to this 24 minute audio. 

Facebook Posting HERE

  • So ask yourself, by showing up fully to life, tribe, commitments, people etc, what is it I am so AFRAID OF?
  •  What is it I am REALLY afraid of happening if I……..? (do the SSA, listen to the calls, whatever that is for you)
  •  Perhaps it is simply, I will have to change/stop my current way of thinking, being and doing.
  •  What will I have to give up to make powerful changes in my life? And will others think I am lazy, selfish, rude,……
  •  I will have to say NO to people and that will bring conflict or they will not like me or love me.
  •  I will have to separate myself from things and people that will create space in my life, perhaps make me feel empty, lonely, and uncomfortable for a while until I find something else to fulfill that need with.
  •  I will have to conscious of my choices, habits, direction and that is hard work!!
  •  I will have to take responsibility OF my life.
  • So then ask yourself “What would it look like IF…….” I was feeling alive, purposeful, passionate, alone, reinventing, less busy.

Now allow yourself to get back on track and enjoy the Journey!  

{Week 3 CallDetails and Important Message} 
Facebook Posting HERE

Hello MagicMakers!!!  

On Sunday we welcome Erika Workman as our Guest Teacher. She is always fun to have in Tribe. 
I have sent the call details via email 📫 today. 

So as you immerse into your weekend I invite you to make some time and space for the Soul Work. I posted our Soul School Wisdom yesterday and I ask that you listen to it ASAP.
There is not another SSI this week as I wanted to give you some time to get yourself caught up and rooted in to the flow of Tribe. 

Remember that FEAR is something you can work through. 

I share in here what I shared yesterday with my✵Mystic Mastery Tribe yesterday as many of us are feeling shifted, unsettled and confused::::

BIG planetary stuff is happening between Mercury Retrograde we are currently in, the Full Moon-Blood Moon-Eclipse Moon that is coming upon us this weekend and that knocking us deeper into our super powers and creating some big shifts. 
Be ready. I feel the amazingness of it for myself and have been focused to being settled and prepared. Been doing a lot of studying and soul work as I am up-leveling deeper into my essence, my work, my vision and my purpose. 
I have not said much about it as I do work to keep myself in flow and not give away my power but I will admit this week I have been a bit on the edge, today was too much. I am just heading out for a walk to shake off the energy. I am calmer now after taking a long break and having dinner. 
I feel this audio is an excellent reminder to all of us, ME included, to remember to remember my truth and to now fall in to sabotage, fear and worst of all...quitting! 
Keep your one foot in front of the other, breath, remember, do your soul work, clear your energy, ask for support, lend support. 

Next week the Journey deepens and we immersing in to some deep soul work so please plan on that. 

Deep Love and Faith in you. ~ Lauri
🌿Begin Where You ARE!!🌿 
✅✅Weekly Soul Work Checklist can be accessed under the files tab in this group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/898514610197125/files/


Click on Tina's cute picture for the video
Didn't mean to say Soltice, it's Equinox. 
I find when I do videos I need to put the camera at my level which I will next time and I'm so serious when in real life I laugh a lot. 
Hope you enjoy. 
The energies are fabulous.
Love you