Week 1

  • Speaker:  Lauri Cox
  • SSI #1 – I AM Essence Power Words
  • SSW - Oxytocin Breathing::Embody Your S.H.E.
  • SSI #2 – Apacheta Creative Project
  • Mystic Wisdom with Candice Mallicoat
  • Mystic Wisdom with Tina Kirkham

To access out PRIVATE Facebook Group click the Logo.

ALL interaction, connection and Loooooove is in HERE

✅✅Weekly Soul Work Checklist can be accessed under the files tab in this group HERE

Most recent posting is at the bottom. 

Scroll down this page to follow in order of posting.

{Essence Power Song}

It was my desire to open our calls each week with my personal Essence Power Songs. 
The song I drum and sing with almost daily to invoke my personal power as part of my Soul Medicine practice. 
But the conference system I use does not offer this option and it sounded horrible to play during our call.
So I share it with you in here and hope you will love it as I do. 


September 13.2015

You can click the Flower to play it in your browser
Copy and Paste this link in to your Browser

Dial In Info for Playback
  • Playback Number:(712) 775-7029
    Reference#:  4
  • Passcode:  1
  • AccessCode:  402-088

A reminder to stay focused on your personal journey. 
There is no reason to feel over whelmed by the Soul work OR the Facebook Group. 
If there are moments you do, feel free to step back, breathe and trust that you are here for a reason that may be bigger than you can understand in this moment right now. 
This is a give and a receive experience. 
Be open to both experiences. 
You are loved ~ You are honored ~ You are Supported. 
Love Lauri 

Please remember to Begin Where You ARE!!. 
 At any time you can access the call recordings, SSI's and my FB postings, 
right here, on our Blog. 

Welcome Sisters! 

Hello Sisters Far & Near!!! I am SO excited you are here. 
➳Please do a little self introduction and share WHY you chose to Tribe and what you desire to receive from this experience. O! Share where you are from too! 
➳This is a PRIVATE Group. No one outside of this group can see anything you post so know that anything you share in here stays in here. I protect this group and it's privacy with my life. 
➳Feel free to be as open and transparent as you desire. 
➳Be Sure to visit our Private Blog at http://eitfall2015.blogspot.com/ and listen to the audio I posted and check out the Simple Journal Making Playshop if you desire to create your own journal.
➳The Private Blog will house ALL Call Recordings, Soul School Work and my postings for easy reference.
➳On our 1st call Sunday I will share some Essential Tribe Details so if you cannot join the live call be sure to listen ASAP.
➳Anyone Local can join us in my Fiore' Studio(W Jordan UT) for the live call.
➳An Email will be sent Saturday with our call in details. I communicate via email weekly so please ensure you are checking them.
Love Lauri!

{SSI #1} I AM Essence Power Words
Facebook Posting

STEP ONE:::: Grab your Journal…….Here is a great list of hundreds of words to begin with. 
Click HERE for the words

Go down the list, no thinking about it, if a word inspires you write it down in your journal. 
If a word comes up that emulates a feeling you want to FEEL then it goes on the list.
Regardless if this word is a feeling you are feeling now, write it down. 
You will likely have a LARGE list of words.

STEP TWO:::: Choose several or ALL the words and say them out loud using 
“I AM”
Example: I AM Courage. I AM Essence. I AM Tapped IN. I AM Illuminated. etc.

STEP THREE:::: Please share with the Tribe at least FIVE of the words with your I AM that you have chosen and if you feel inspired please share;
 WHY you chose this word.
What did it mean to you?
Where in your life do you want to emulate this more?
What will you begin doing TODAY to BE that Word?

Avoid delaying because SSI #2 will be coming Thursday that relates to this SSI.

{{A note to those going through or will be going through my Life Manifesto course. This is PART of that course so there is no time like the present to begin doing the work for it!}}


Soul Wisdom: on the other side of confusion is clarity. it's the law of polarity. everything has an equal:opposite. 
today ask your higher power for clarity to reveal and then let yourself settle in to the thought and feeling of clarity being the vibrational tone of your focus today. 
let yourself find peace in knowing this to be true. relax. you got this. 
love Lauri

Hello Tribeanistas. 
How is SSI#1 going for you? I am enjoying the words being posted. 
I have a few words that I feel that emulate my essence but one of my personal favorites I want to share that has stuck with me for years is JOY. 
If I am operating from a space of Joy than I feel as if I am encompassing everything that is pure, light, love, good and grateful. I feel assured that somewhere inside me a flame of light is still lit and i can indeed find my way back.
We may not always be Happy (and as humans we are not meant to always BE happy. We have to have some contrast in life)....but we can always seek, feel, be and find JOY even in the up's and down's, even when things in our life are not pleasurable.
Please remember to Begin Where You ARE!!
Love Lauri 


Special Offer For Tribe Sisters Only

This Is An In-Person Experience
Regular Price $99
Tribe Price only $79
{Until 9/27}
space is limited so claim your spot with a minimum. non refundable $40 deposit! 
Due in FULL by 10/9. 
PM on FB me to make a pay arrangement.
Or Just Pay In Full Below. 
Use this button for the Tribe $79 Price


{SoulSchool Wisdom: The Power Of Oxytocin ~Goddess Hormone} 

 Sisters!! here is a video of one of my favorite mystic tools that helps me often to embody my S.H.E (watch the 17 minute video to learn what your S.H.E. is!) and embody your SUPER Potential! 

⚛ ⚛ Please Share Your Thoughts in the Facebook Group! ⚛ ⚛ 

☺☺And just know that as you giggle at me while I do this I also giggle at myself cause yes, I know it looks funny to see another do it! So I didn't even bother to get all dressed up to make this video. ha ha. 

So grab your journals! Lotsa of juicy notes to take. 

The SSI #2 will be posted Thursday and it is a fun creative project and directly correlates with SSI #1.


Love Lauri 
{ SSI #2 - Apacheta [ah-pah-chay-tah]

Hello beloveds. We get to have some creative FUN now. 
I loved this art piece made by a former Tribeanista using some of her 
I AM Essence Power Words.

{Please Do Not share.}

To get the details on the assignment please listen to this 8 minute audio: 

The Pintrest Link I referenced is here:

 I offer this up as a place to get some ideas and inspiration and will keep adding as I have the time to pin (my pinning allotment is done for the day. lol)

Have FUN! Love Lauri

Also, wanted to also share that a current Tribeanista & former client did while in one of my Mastermind groups. 
She actually created her OWN word and definition and created this for the group with our names. 
I have this beauty framed and in my home. It is really precious to me.

I wanted to share with you an example of something I did with a couple of my favorite Essence Power Words. Very easy and very good soul medicine that day I made it. I painted several rocks last summer and have them throughout my yard in a few sacred spots i like to sit at and have some I use for my soul medicine wheel and fire ritual work I do. I have been doing an online class with the AHmazing artist Rachael Caringella (who is in this Tribe), called #makingmandalas and this was one of her assignments, a nature mandala. This space sits in one of my gardens and I will rearrange as I feel inspired. 
Enjoy this!


Click HERE for Tina's Fairy Shed video